by Operation Freedom Paws | Jan 10, 2023 | Team Stories, Video
U.S. Army veteran Alex Gries served in Iraq. Struggling with the aftermath of combat, Alex partnered and trains with her beloved service dog Sherman at Operation Freedom Paws. Alex is finding her “new normal” with Sherman as he is by her side, helping to...
by Operation Freedom Paws | Jan 10, 2023 | Team Stories, Video
At age 18, veteran Carlos Vera enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps and served for six years. In 1992, he deployed to Somalia, Operation Restore Hope, and was among the first troops to arrive to that conflict. Poorly equipped and on call 24/7, the war left its mark....
by Operation Freedom Paws | Jan 10, 2023 | Team Stories
I am now six months free of my self-made hell and have been given an opportunity to look back, reflect, and share with others about the time leading up to my nightmare. It’s interesting that on the day I finally decided to put my experience down on paper, I received a...
by Operation Freedom Paws | Jan 10, 2023 | Team Stories
Our client Jeri is an Army veteran who experiences post-traumatic stress related to her military service. Here she shares in her own words her healing journey with us. Prior to Operation Freedom Paws, I had tried various therapeutic modalities with some success;...
by Operation Freedom Paws | Jan 10, 2023 | Team Stories, Video
Vietnam-era veteran Julie Kirk Vietnam-era veteran Julie Kirk joined the Army at age 18. She trained as a medic and worked on the surgical floor of the hospital at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri taking care of injured soldiers returning from the Vietnam War. Several...
by Operation Freedom Paws | Jan 8, 2023 | Team Stories, Video
U.S. Army veteran Chris Dolan was deployed three times, once to Iraq and twice to Afghanistan. After coming home, it was only after a hospitalization that the Army finally diagnosed him with PTSD. Eventually, he learned about service dogs and found Operation Freedom...