Team Stories

Operation Freedom Paws USA teams training.

Rescue Looks
For Everyone

OFP Therapy Dog Team: Rosanne with Riggins
OFP Therapy Dog Team: Rosanne with Riggins

OFP Therapy Dog Team: Rosanne with Riggins Cleared to Provide Comfort, Compassion and Joy Together! Hi, my name is Rosanne, and I would like to introduce you to my best friend, Riggins. Some of the greatest memories I have while working as a flight attendant for 43...

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Todd & His Service Dog Ivy “I Am Not Broken”
Todd & His Service Dog Ivy “I Am Not Broken”

I am now six months free of my self-made hell and have been given an opportunity to look back, reflect, and share with others about the time leading up to my nightmare. It’s interesting that on the day I finally decided to put my experience down on paper, I received a...

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Jeri & Curly Everything I Need to Thrive
Jeri & Curly Everything I Need to Thrive

Our client Jeri is an Army veteran who experiences post-traumatic stress related to her military service. Here she shares in her own words her healing journey with us. Prior to Operation Freedom Paws, I had tried various therapeutic modalities with some success;...

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Julie Kirk & Mal – Stories About Veterans & Service Dogs
Julie Kirk & Mal – Stories About Veterans & Service Dogs

Vietnam-era veteran Julie Kirk Vietnam-era veteran Julie Kirk joined the Army at age 18. She trained as a medic and worked on the surgical floor of the hospital at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri taking care of injured soldiers returning from the Vietnam War. Several...

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