News & Features

Jeri & Curly Everything I Need to Thrive
Jeri & Curly Everything I Need to Thrive

Our client Jeri is an Army veteran who experiences post-traumatic stress related to her military service. Here she shares in her own words her healing journey with us. Prior to Operation Freedom Paws, I had tried various therapeutic modalities with some success;...

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Julie Kirk & Mal – Stories About Veterans & Service Dogs
Julie Kirk & Mal – Stories About Veterans & Service Dogs

Vietnam-era veteran Julie Kirk Vietnam-era veteran Julie Kirk joined the Army at age 18. She trained as a medic and worked on the surgical floor of the hospital at Ft. Leonard Wood, Missouri taking care of injured soldiers returning from the Vietnam War. Several...

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OFP Daycare and Boarding – Summertime!
OFP Daycare and Boarding – Summertime!

An Update from Renee, Director of Operations Summer is such a great time of year for outdoor activities with friends and family. Summer is also a unique time of year for your dog. There are many seasonal things to consider regarding their activities, health, comfort,...

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