Our Service Dog

Hope & Healing

Operation Freedom Paws connects veterans, first responders, non-veterans, and children with carefully-matched service dogs, and trains them to function as a bonded team.

WLW couple leaning on each other and petting their dog.

The Client Leads The Way

By committing to a 48-week service dog training program and taking an active role in the training of the dog they’ve been paired with, OFP clients improve and change their own lives. The truly unique impact of our program is rooted in each client’s desire to take an active role in their own healing.

Zero Costs to Clients. Ever.

It is fundamental to OFP that our programs are 100% free to our clients. Our nonprofit organization is run by staff who share our mission, many of whom were once clients themselves. Our collective goal is to remove financial barriers so each client can develop the skills needed to live their very best life possible.

Man wearing a blue hat sitting on a chair looking down at his service dog who is sitting underneath the chair.

Camaraderie Builds Community

Operation Freedom Paws is about lifelong healing, and that means providing a safe landing for our clients and their families. From support groups to therapy and beyond, we’re dedicated to providing consistent, life-saving care and the kind of transformative community that only comes from shared experience.

A family sitting on floor, couch, and in wheelchair around man's service dog.

“At OFP we celebrate every triumph, because we know how powerful a single step in the right direction can be.”